“We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. … Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic.” Maj. […]
The History of the Pistol
One of the most efficient tools mankind has created (other than that all-important CCW permit that you have or are signing up to get) is the handgun. They have been used as tools for protection, as tools to sustain life, and have even become a source of recreational enjoyment – but they did not always look […]
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Firearm Instructor & What To Expect From A Typical Class
Coming to the conclusion that you want to own a firearm entails a big decision. By obtaining the necessary permits and purchasing your firearm, you are placing a large amount of responsibility and accountability upon your own shoulders. Whether your reason for owning a firearm is hunting, home defense, or anything in-between you are accepting […]
A message from Legal Heat regarding COVID-19 and our training classes.
Legal Heat was founded 13 years ago with the mission to help keep our students safe. We take that responsibility seriously. During the uncertainty caused by coronavirus (COVID-19), we wanted to update you on steps we are taking to keep our students safe, along with simple things you can do to help protect yourself. Steps […]
Packing Heat While Voting? Does Your State Allow It?
If you’re planning on exercising your Second Amendment right while casting a vote this year you better make sure you know your state’s laws regarding firearms at polling places. Although there is no federal law regulating firearms at polling places, there are a number of states that prohibit carrying a firearm where voting occurs. Some […]
Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act Passed by U.S. House! What You Need To Know
Have you heard there is new federal legislation that will allow someone with a concealed carry permit from one state to carry in all 50 states? It actually might not be as awesome as you have heard. The purpose of this article is to dispel some of the myths associated with this proposed legislation and give an […]
Why Every Gun Owner Should Understand The Gini Coefficient
Understanding The Gini Coefficient Abstract:The Gini Coefficient is the single greatest known predictor of violent crime. Understanding the Gini Coefficient can help us understand murder rates better than analyzing gun ownership rates, gun laws, or any other commonly debated variable. Background:If you are a gun owner and you occasionally peruse social media, you have no […]
The Constitution Doesn’t Care How Much Harm Guns Cause, and That Is A Good Thing
Synopsis: How Much Harm Guns Cause Cannot Serve To Restrict The Right To Keep & Bear Arms. Constitutional Rights Are Not Analyzed On A Risk/Utility Basis. From A Legal Perspective, The Amount Of Societal Harm That Comes From The Exercise Of A Constitutional Right Does Not Matter, And That Is A Very Good Thing. Related Gun Control Argument: “Guns […]
How do we actually stop the deadly Florida shootings?
The recent horrific school shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida sickens us all. We weep for the Florida shooting victims and their families and pray for the speedy recovery of the injured. We question who the shooter is, and what could have possibly driven the alleged Florida shooter to commit […]
5 Serious Crimes Many Gun Owners Have Never Heard About
Legal Heat Are You An Accidental Gun Felon? 5 Serious Crimes Many Gun Owners Have Never Heard About Presented By Legal Heat Crime #1 Driving Through a School Zone #1 18 U.S.C.A. 922(q)(2)(a) THE LAW It shall be unlawful for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm.. At a place that the individual knows, or has […]