Click below to download instructions for how to fill out your fingerprint card
DIY fingerprint faq
Q: Am I allowed to roll my own fingerprints?
A: Generally speaking, yes. There is no "qualification" required to perform DIY fingerprints. They can be done by anyone, including yourself. There are a few states, however, such as Florida, that legally require the fingerprints be performed by law enforcement. There are also a few states that do not accept ink/paper fingerprints and instead require digital prints (such as LiveScan prints). If you have any doubts about your ability to perform your own fingerprints please contact the state entity that issues your permit (i.e. Sheriff, DPS, etc.) and ask for clarification.
Q: How will I know if my prints get rejected?
A: This depends on the permit you are applying for. Many permits will not delay the permit approval process due to fingerprints. Instead, they will mail you your permit and if your fingerprints get rejected (which is rare) they will mail you a letter asking you to submit a new fingerprint card within 30 days. Other states have similar processes, but generally speaking no news is good news. If you don't hear anything to the contrary, you can assume they were accepted.
If you have any further questions, contact our training team at 877-252-1055
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