First, your gun should be completely unloaded and in a secure gun case. Magazines unloaded as well. Your gun and ammunition must be securely locked in your vehicle or otherwise secured during any classroom portion of the day(s). The only time guns are to be loaded is at the firing line of the gun range, after your instructor has directed you to load. All other times they are to be completely unloaded.
Items to bring to the range include:
- A fully functioning UNLOADED, CASED semiautomatic pistol or revolver. No antiques.
- 50 rounds of ammunition. No steel cased, armor piercing or tracer ammo permitted.
- Ear and eye protection.
- An auto-loader or speed-loader if preferred, but note: you must show your instructor you can successfully manually load and unload your firearm as part of the range requirement.
- Comfortable (range of motion) clothes. No V-necks or low-cut shirts.
- Flat-soled shoes with good traction and support that completely enclose your feet. No flip-flops, sandals or open footwear.
- Snacks and drinks are permitted but will not be allowed at the firing line.
There are no compromises regarding safety. Safety is the most important aspect of all firearm-related classes. Any unsafe or disruptive behavior in class or at the range will result in immediate dismissal. Any student dismissed due to unsafe or disruptive behavior will not be refunded any portion of the class fee. The instructor has sole discretion on safety matters.