Retired from service with a public agency as a law enforcement officer, provided that such retirement was for reasons other than mental instability;
At the time of retirement, was not under investigation, or subject to discipline, for any violation of Idaho law enforcement code of conduct;
Before such retirement, was authorized by law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation or prosecution of, or the incarceration of any person for, any violation of law, and had statutory powers of arrest;
Before such retirement, was regularly employed as a law enforcement officer for an aggregate of ten (10) years or more, or retired from service with such agency after completing any applicable probationary period of such service, due to a service-connected disability, as determined by such agency;
Has a nonforfeitable right to benefits under the retirement plan of the agency;
Is not chronically under the influence of alcohol, or under the influence of another intoxicating or hallucinatory drug or substance in violation of any provision of federal or state law;
Is not prohibited by federal law from receiving a firearm;
Has a current and valid photographic identification issued by the agency from which the individual retired from service as a law enforcement officer;