- Fingerprinting Services MAY be available during class depending on location and local requirements.
- Legal Heat does NOT provide this service, but Fingerprinting Services are offered through the local instructor directly.
- Any issues with fingerprinting services or DIY kits should be directed to the providing instructor, not Legal Heat
When applying for your home state permit your local issuing agency may want to fingerprint you. Your instructor will provide full details during class.
In classes that include the AZ and UT certifications, instructors MAY be offering DIY Fingerprint Kits for sale that come with instructions, ink strips and enough fingerprint cards to apply for both permits.
- Arizona’s application requires TWO fingerprint cards.
- Utah’s application requires ONE fingerprint card.
*If using the DIY Fingerprint Kit, please be sure that your writing is legible, written in black ink, and your fingerprints are ROLLED not PRESSED and they are clean with no smudges or smears.
- Legal Heat does not provide Passport Photos.
- Passport Photos MAY be offered in some classes by the instructor for a small fee.
- If your instructor is not offering Passport Photos in your class you can have them taken and printed at your local pharmacy.
- Not all states require a Passport Photo, please be sure to read the application instructions for the state(s) you are applying for.