Yes. In addition to completing this eLearning course, a certified instructor must certify that they “observed the student safely handle and discharge the firearm in his or her physical presence and that the discharge of the firearm included live fire using a firearm and ammunition”. Once you complete this eLearning course, you will be provided […]
How long does the Florida CWFL online training take to complete?
The total course completion time will vary somewhat depending on your learning pace, but it generally takes 1.5 to 2 hours to complete.
What training is required to obtain my Florida Concealed Weapon or Firearm License (CWFL)?
In order to obtain the Florida CWFL, an applicant must demonstrate competence with a firearm through completion of a firearm safety or training course taught by certified instructors. The training has two components, classroom (or online) instruction, and a live fire shooting exercise. This online training course satisfies the requirements for the classroom portion of […]
What can I expect to learn during the Wilderness First Aid class?
In this class you can expect to learn life-savings techniques from top notch instructors with backgrounds in emergency medicine, first responders, and military medics. We will cover everything from minor cuts, stings, and scrapes all the way to major trauma like snake bites, respiratory issues, massive bleeding, and much more. You will learn what to […]
What is a FOID card?
The Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card is a card issued by the Illinois State Police to residents of Illinois who wish to own or possess firearms. The FOID card serves as a form of identification for firearms owners and is required to legally purchase or possess firearms or ammunition in the state of Illinois. In […]
Do I Need To Take The Oregon 114 Training If I Have Previous Training Or Am Prior Military/Law Enforcement?
Yes. There are unfortunately no exceptions in the law for individuals who have previous training or military/law enforcement experience. The only way you can be granted an exemption from the training requirement is if you have evidence that you have completed a training course that specifically covers the topics and training criteria of the law. […]
What Training Is Required Under Oregon Measure 114?
Oregon Measure 114 states that an individual wishing to purchase a firearm in the state must complete a firearm safety training course prior to obtaining a permit-to-purchase. The safety training must be conducted by a recognized organization, like Legal Heat, that utilizes “instructors certified by a law enforcement agency”. The training must consist of instruction […]
What Is The Process To Obtain An Oregon Permit-To-Purchase?
The process for obtaining a permit-to-purchase will vary somewhat from county to county, but it will generally follow these 3 steps: Step 1: Complete the mandatory training course. The first half of your mandatory consists of this online course. Upon completion of this online course you will be issued a certificate of completion showing you […]
How long is this class?
This is a 4-hour course with hands-on training stations.
Is this class for anyone?
Yes, but please understand this class demonstrates medical emergencies and injuries that can be graphic.